There is some difficulty to beginning again. But at the same time it has an exciting presence about it. With something like a personal blog it's hard to get back into the rhythm of writing especially when the audience is so vague. It has been a bit of time since I have really written and much much longer since I have written on this blog. Everything lately is divided up into small parts. I have to put everything into boxes and yet again shuffle through the bog of what I own to divide it between what I need and what is trash. There are many things that I don't need but they remind me of something or they make me smile to look at them. I am going to have to downsize my plastic animal collection and retire the majority of my little friends. With the exception of my goats, ibyx, ram, and meerkats. Oh, and my sperm whale. They shall be decorative pieces; the rest shall rest.
It's interesting to move and I am glad and nervous at the same time. There are, obviously, many people who I regret to leave behind. Many people with whom I would like to spend more time and get to know better. But, I believe at the same time there are people, people I don't know, waiting to be met. People who will change many things. Although, I guess that is always true if you let it be.
I am both coming and going. I am leaving a long known comfort for something new and foreign and a bit frightening. And I will trek the country with cats in tow to do so. I will drive a large truck and drag all my things behind me. My fear of wrecking and killing my cats is palpable. My fear of driving off an embankment somewhere in Utah is chilling and constant. At the same time I cannot wait to fill the back of the truck with boxes of my things and set off into the distance toward some undiscovered future which will likely resemble the past in many ways but also will be new and different and I will be able to bounce on a trampoline all of the day long. I will get a trampoline as soon as I arrive. And I will bounce on it and it will be most lovely. How I have longed for a trampoline. Since I was a wee lass.
The night grows old and I must wake early for to make the market despite the rain which I fear will cause much trouble with the produce. Soon, I will venture to my own back yard for radishes and tomatoes and peaches and oh how I would love a peach tree.